Sprattus sprattus
Brisling sardine
Sprat is a pelagic schooling fish widely distributed in the North Atlantic. Sprat has a low vulnerability with a moderate resilience to fishing pressure. The stock status differs depending on the area resulting in different assessments for each area and potentially a different outcome (See below). Stock status ranges from unknown or recovering (Orange-listed areas) to sustainably fished (Green-listed areas) respectively.
2. How was it caught or farmed?Sprat is caught using midwater trawl nets. Midwater trawling takes place in the pelagic zone between the seabed and surfaces. The fishery has no impact on Endangered, Threatened and Protected species. Bycatch and discards are considered to be low. Impact of midwater trawl nets on the benthic habitat is minimal.
3. Where is it from?Sprat are caught in FAO 27 and imported into South Africa. FAO 27 sits within the Northern Atlantic Ocean and borders several countries surrounding Europe. FAO 27 is further subdivided into smaller management areas known as ICES areas. Each of these areas has slightly different management resulting in different assessments and potentially different outcomes. Management across each ICES area is considered to be largely effective.
The following ICES areas are listed as Green on the SASSI list:
The following ICES areas are listed as Orange on the SASSI list: