Marine Week launch of the WWF-SA Oceans Economy Report

Amidst an audience of over 132 distinguished guest, several journalists and keynote speaker Mr Trevor Manuel, WWF-South Africa in partnership with Pick’n Pay launched an exciting and comprehensive report on the South African’s ocean economy: facts and futures at the Two Oceans Aquarium.

The report, which collates the findings of relevant research from across multiple sectors, offers a snapshot of the state of South Africa’s oceans in 2016. It highlights both the socioeconomic value of the goods and services provided by the ocean and some of the key ecological trends and indicators. The report’s ocean scorecard highlights that many of South Africa’s marine resources are currently overexploited, which results in a loss of potential food protein, livelihoods and income, as well the loss of the traditional fishing culture associated with South Africa’s coastal communities.

On the positive side, the report also showcases some of the best-practice solutions that WWF and others are implementing – such as the Southern African Sustainable Seafood Initiative (WWF-SASSI) campaign to encourage consumption of sustainably sourced seafood. As a result of consumer pressure, many of South Africa’s major retailers and seafood restaurant chains have set ambitious sustainability targets and, according to the report, are well on their way to meeting them. The report clears illustrates that marine ecosystems underpin human survival and development, from the air we breathe to the food we eat.

If you would like to download the report, please