The Small-scale Responsible Fisheries Training project was conceptualised by WWF South Africa so people from small-scale fishing communities are trained as trainers and empowered to deliver workshops to other coastal fishing communities around South Africa. The workshops are co-ordinated nationally by the International Ocean Institute – African Region (IOI-SA), funded by the Transport Education Training Authority (TETA). By investing in community leadership development, many small-scale fishers will be up-skilled and aware of the urgent need to fish responsibly in order to contribute to healthy oceans. The importance of this training is that it aligns with the imminent roll-out of the government’s Small-scale Fisheries Policy which is very much focused on communities working together in co-operatives and ensuring sustainable management of fish stocks. The project started in March, is facilitated by the WWF SA Marine team and aims to deliver at least 36 community courses over the next two years that should reach a total of about 850 small-scale fishers across our four coastal provinces. The great thing about these workshops is that they are also delivered in the local community’s predominant language. To date 16 courses have taken place and 355 learners have been trained. Here’s to empowering coastal communities and working toward responsible fisheries!