Jumbo Flying Squid

Dosidicus gigas

Humboldt flying squid

1. What is it?

Jumbo Flying Squid ( Dosidicus gigas) has gained much from the intense exploitation of other major predators, and appears highly resistant to heavy fishing pressure due to its short life span and reproduction cycles that allow rapid stock renewal. The stock status of the species is more influenced by abiotic factors than by fishing activity. The Stock is considered to be under-exploited.

2. How was it caught or farmed?

Jumbo flying squid are caught using jigs. The information about the ecological effects of the jig-fishery is scarce, although it seems that the impact on Endangered, Threatened, Protected and by-catch species is low, as jig fisheries are considered to be highly selective. Therefore mortality of associated species is unlikely. An impact on the fishery on the ecosystem/habitat is unlikely.

3. Where is it from?

Jumbo flying squid are endemic to the eastern Pacific Ocean and are caught in Peru. Although the life cycle characteristics of squid present particular problems for fishery management, a partly effective management system is in place. Future management programs should take environmental conditions in consideration (e.g.,EL Nino phenomenon) and focusing more on the Ecosystem Based Management approach than on the single species management approach.


Fishing Type: Jigging

Origin: Eastern Pacific Ocean

Jigs are coloured, plastic lures with barbs. They can be attached to a handline or in a series on a longline that is operated by machine. The jigs are dragged from fishing boats in a way that creates a jerking movement – making them appear alive. Jigging for squid generally happens at night using spotlights. Jigging has little impact on the environment and minimal bycatch.