Indian shrimp

Solenocera crassicornis

1. What is it?

Indian shrimp ( Solenocera crassicornis) or Udang merah are fast growing shrimp species that form temporary aggregations when spawning. They have a moderate vulnerability to fishing pressure. No stock assessment has been conducted for Indian shrimp although there are concerns that it could be overfished

2. How was it caught or farmed?

Indian shrimp/ Udang merah are caught using demersal otter trawls which consist of nets that are dragged along the sea bed at different depths. This type of trawling is known to damage the seabed. Trawling is not a very selective fishing method with high levels of bycatch and a significant impact on vulnerable species. Discards in the fishery are considered to be moderate.

3. Where is it from?

Indian shrimp/ Udang merah are caught in India and imported into South Africa for use in seafood mix. Management is considered to be marginally effective due to high levels of bycatch and poor enforcement of various management measures.


Fishing Type: Demersal otter trawl

Origin: India

Trawl nets with special accessories or doors (known as otterboards), designed to keep the nets open, are dragged along the seafloor. Demersal trawling is known to damage the seabed and is non-selective, resulting in the incidental bycatch of a number of species (fishes, sharks, rays and seabirds).