Patagonian Squid

Dorytheutis gahi / Loligo gahi

1. What is it?

Patagonian squid (Loligo gahi/ Dorytheutis gahi) are short-lived species with a life span of 1 year. This species generally has a low vulnerability to fishing pressure; however, it does possess some life history traits that indicate some vulnerability at a population level (e.g., temporary aggregations and population fluctuations). Current fishing practices do not threaten the stock.

2. How was it caught or farmed?


Patagonian squid are caught using jigs. The fishery has no impacts on Endangered, Threatened or Protected species and bycatch is minimal. Discards are also considered to be low and there is no impact on benthic habitats.

Demersal otter trawl

Patagonian squid are also caught using demersal otter trawls. Trawl nets are dragged along the ocean floor at different depths. The impact of the fishery on Endangered, Threatened or Protected species is uncertain. Bycatch and discards range from low to moderate. Fishery is known to impact benthic habitats.

3. Where is it from?

Patagonian squid are found in coastal and shelf waters along the coast of South America from southern Peru to northern Argentina and around the Falkland Islands. Management is considered to be marginally effective due to the difficulties in monitoring artisanal fisheries in the area for jigging and partly effective due to lack of information regarding the impact on ETP (Endangered, Threatened and Protected) species and benthic habitat on demersal otter trawl.


Fishing Type: Demersal otter trawl

Origin: Imported - Peru, Argentina, Falklands Islands

Trawl nets with special accessories or doors (known as otterboards), designed to keep the nets open, are dragged along the seafloor. Demersal trawling is known to damage the seabed and is non-selective, resulting in the incidental bycatch of a number of species (fishes, sharks, rays and seabirds).


Fishing Type: Jigging

Origin: Imported - Peru, Argentina, Falklands Islands

Jigs are coloured, plastic lures with barbs. They can be attached to a handline or in a series on a longline that is operated by machine. The jigs are dragged from fishing boats in a way that creates a jerking movement – making them appear alive. Jigging for squid generally happens at night using spotlights. Jigging has little impact on the environment and minimal bycatch.