As time passes, the ocean agenda moves forward in climate discussions. The Paris Agreement was a turning point, and from COP21 onward, there has been an increased interest for the ocean.
🐟Knowledge and science on the ocean-climate interactions are growing and the IPCC Reports on the 1.5°C increase and impacts on our Ocean
🐟National engagement: The ocean is now increasingly considered in climate policies
🐟Mobilization and awareness raising is on the increase
🐟Policy mainstreaming for ocean resilience is underway
The theme of the next CBD COP 15 conference is “Ecological Civilization: Building a Shared Future for All Life on Earth”. Here, the Convention on Biological Diversity is set to review the achievement and delivery of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020. This aims to also extend beyond 2020 with a global biodiversity framework that includes a target to conserve 30% of the ocean by 2030! For more, see this link: