The last WWF-SASSI assessments have just been completed and reviewed, the SASSI app, website and FishMS has been updated with the following changes:
- Monkfish caught in the offshore trawl fishery has changed from green to orange. All monkfish is therefore orange listed.
- Natal knifejaw is a brand new species that is listed, as red.
- Horse mackerel has been newly assessed for inshore trawl and is orange listed.
- White-spotted smooth-hound shark is a new species that has been assessed for inshore trawl and is red listed. Common smooth hound shark remains red.
- Cape hope squid has been newly assessed for inshore trawl which is orange, whilst jigging remains green.
- Bigeye tuna caught by pelagic longline is red listed from the Atlantic Ocean and orange listed from the Indian Ocean (in South Africa only).
- Jacopever has been newly assessed for the inshore trawl fishery and is red listed.
- Herring caught via midwater trawl in the following fishing areas (FAO 27: *ICES VIa, ICES VIIb, ICES VIIc) has shifted from orange to green.
- Sprat caught via midwater trawl in the following fishing areas (FAO 27: ICES 22-32) has moved from orange to green.
*ICES areas stand for International Council for Exploration for Seas who assign codes to various fishing regions which enables tracking of fish stocks and management of these.
Kirtanya, WWF-SASSI Project Officer & Monica Stassen, WWF-SASSI Assessment Coordinator